Popular Culture Artifact
On interesting aspect in our current popular culture is the role that Mass Media play in our today’s society. Definitively entertainment and media have a large impact on society. Particularly, movies are a reflection of how the real world is. Humor, drama and action are used in movies to represent events that normally occur in our life such violence, war, love, drug use, etc. Everywhere you go you can hear people singing the top songs of the moment. It is very common see young people spending hours in line waiting for concert tickets or kids asking their parents buy the new video game. As well as 1,000s of dollars goes into media and electronics every week. Surely each of us would like to have the best cel phone with digital camera. People dress and label themselves by what they listen and see from their favorite singers, bands or actors. According Popular Culture & Food trends article, “Food is part of popular culture, and the beliefs, trends and practices in a culture affect as well its eating practices”. The mentioned aspects above lead to me to create my popular culture artifact. The next few pages will show how those aspects of our popular culture such icons, myths, celebrities and some values are incorporated into of popular culture artifact of my creation. In order to accede to this new website you can visit http://highstars.wetpaint.com/.
References Entertainment. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.usd230.k12.ks.us/espictt/entertainment/Entertainment.html/
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